Another P Day in Marseille with Jared and it was our first time to Chateau D'if. We took the Metro to the Vieux Port and the ferry to Chateau D'if. I didn't take any pictures of the Vieux Port, but coming into the port is an awesome sight. All the boats with a background of the old city is very romantic. Next time I will get pictures of coming into port at Marseille. Anyway, Chateau D'if was OK. Nothing to really get excited about. It is a prison fort on a desert island. It was constructed in 1529 by
François I. It has held political prisoners, Protestants and during WW1 German soldiers. And Edmond Dante was never on the Island. Because of Alexander Dumas's, Count of Monte Cristo, everyone thinks the main Character was really imprisoned on the island. THE BOOK IS FICTION!! Everything in Marseille is named after characters in the book. Tourist will believe anything. I heard a lady ask, "Where was Edmond Dante housed?" Americans? Anyway, another day in Marseille. Jeannine and I prefer working at the center and interacting with the youth. We are starting English classes next week on Tuesday. Thursday FHE, Friday Movie night and Saturday we are going to Saint Marguerite Island off of Cannes for a stake activity. So now Jared has been from one end of the Riviera to the other. From Marseille to Monte Carlo. Because of our calling we get to see a lot of Provence and the Riviera. We do a lot of traveling with the Young Adults and doing apartment inspections for the Elders. I know with the pictures we post it looks like all we do is play. But the contrary is the reality. We spend 90% of our time working with the youth and encouraging them to either go to School, go on a mission, get a job or get married. We are trying to provide for them a place to come with an environment conducive to learning and growing both spiritually and temporally. Mom and I are building a little California ambiance here in Marseille. Plants, big screen TV with Blue Ray, comfortable furniture and good music.
Harbor at Vieux Port |
Notre Dame De La Gard from the Boat |
Marseille Skyline
Chateau D'if |
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